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Allied Tanks of the 2nd World War
By Michael Green
A full inventory of the tanks developed and deployed by the Allied armies during the six year war against Nazi Germany and her Axis partners. There were four categories of tank: Light, Medium, Heavy and Super Heavy. Amazon
How an Unlikely Team of Scientists, Ex-Cons, Women, and Native Americans Helped Win WWII
By Larry Hughes
“Epic…evocatively described landscapes and sharply drawn, unforgettable people” (Dayton Duncan, writer for Ken Burns), “a wonderful story,” (The History Shelf), “an upbeat tale of American can-do-ism” (Publishers Weekly) …this is how critics are describing this sprawling story of a top-secret WWII antiaircraft gunsight project that introduces us to two wet-behind-the-ears teenagers, who transition from stateside jobs developing the gunsight to life-changing deployments in the war. Pvt. Cecil Kegans (Marines, 2nd Division, E-2-8) sailed from California to training in New Zealand before being thrust into the chaos of blood, smoke, and decapitated palm trees at Tarawa and Saipan. Twice wounded, his Purple Heart may have underscored his valor, but did little to soothe the inner trauma to come. Pvt. Harry Sikkenga (Army, 42nd “Rainbow” Division, 232nd artillery) endured a nauseous transport to Marseilles and a muddy slog into Germany, fighting to the doorstep of Dachau, where the war suddenly took on a new moral imperative. What happened then, and what happened next, will hold you to the last page of this sweeping tale of America’s capacity to rise to her higher ideals, not only in the crisis of war, but in peacetime.

RESPECT: Forgotten Heros
By Bob L. VandeLinde
The cover page of "Respect" shows three US Marines on Iwo Jima. One man is badly wounded. Hershel "Woody" Williams, a Medal of Honor holder from Iwo Jima, tells how using a flame thrower, he knocked out seven Japanese bunkers. The book has 13 chapters; 12 about World War II, and one about the Chosin Reservoir, a battle in Korea. This book is not just about combat stories; however, each veteran has shared his/her individual experiences. You will read about how their lives were interrupted by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, how they met their wives and how the G.I. Bill provided them with an education. Three US Navy veterans tell about having to abandon ship. You will learn about how the US Coast Guard on Higgins Landing Crafts, took troops into enemy held islands in the Pacific and the invasion of Normandy. gliders were used during World War II. Two Glider pilots have detailed their landing troops in the Burma Theater, Normandy, Holland and Germany. The Force, called the black devils, was a unit with special trained American and Canadian troops who were the first to enter Rome. Three men share their experiences as prisoners of war; two were prisoners for 33 months. Respect shares stories about Nurses, Chaplains and JAG Officers. Three men kept dairies. All are facinating stories about over 40 true American heroes. Amazon
Band of Brothers (New)
By Stephen E. Ambrose
Formed in the summer of 1942, the elite parachute regiment E ‘Easy’ Company was involved in some of the most critical missions of World War II, playing major roles at D-Day and Operation Market Garden, culminating in the capture of Hitler’s ‘Eagle’s Nest’. Their near-mythical heroics under the leadership of Major Dick Winters fascinated Stephen E. Ambrose, but it was the incredible camaraderie that the veterans still shared 50 years after the end of the war that inspired him to write Band of Brothers. Presented by The Folio Society of London, and working with Cole C. Kingseed, former U.S. military officer and Winters’ biographer and close friend, FS has created a unique collector’s edition of this acclaimed history. Kingseed has written a compelling new introduction – which joins Tom Hanks’ original foreword – that explores the enduring fascination with the Band of Brothers. The picture selection comprises 32 pages of a total 67 photographs, some rarely seen, sourced from specialist archives, including the Dick Winters Collection at the Gettysburg Museum and the Army Signal Corps Collection at the US National Archive. Band of Brothers achieved worldwide acclaim following the 2001 HBO series, but it is within the pages of Ambrose’s book that the authentic voices of Easy Company can be heard. This exquisite printing comes with a matching hard slip book cover.To order go to: The Folio Society
Dear Bob: Bob Hope's Wartime Correspondence with the G.I.s of WWII
By Martha Bolton and Linda Hope
Winner of the 2021 Golden Scroll Awards for Memoir of the Year and Christian Market Book of the Year awarded by the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association
For five decades, comedian, actor, singer, dancer, and entertainer Bob Hope (1903–2003) traveled the world performing before American and Allied troops and putting on morale-boosting USO shows. Dear Bob : Bob Hope’s Wartime Correspondence with the G.I.s of World War II tells the story of Hope’s remarkable service to the fighting men and women of World War II, collecting personal letters, postcards, packages, and more sent back and forth among Hope and the troops and their loved ones back home. Amazon
Conversations with Major Dick Winters : Life Lessons from the Commander of the Band of Brothers
By Cole C. Kingseed
Major Dick Winters led Easy Company from the confusion and chaos of D-Day to the final capture of Hitler's Eagle's Nest. Now comes the story of his last years as witnessed and experienced by his good friend Cole C. Kingseed. This is a story of leadership, fame, friendship and one man's struggle to find the peace that he promised himself if he survived World War II.
I FELL 4 MILES AND LIVED - Missing in Action WWII
By James Raley
During the economic turmoil in the U.S. in the years just before World War II, James Andrew Raley, a farm boy from Kentucky, joined the Armored Cavalry and after Operation Torch, transferred to the Army Air Forces. While serving as a tail gunner on a B-17, he survived a midair collision and subsequent four-mile fall in the tail section of a B-17 over enemy territory, then hid from the enemy with other survivors for several months before escaping. "I Fell Four Miles and Lived: Missing in Action -- World War II" is the unabridged true story Raley wrote in in 1945 from notes he kept in his journal. To read more or purchase, go to: Amazon
Deadly Sky: The American
Combat Airman in WWII
By John C. McManus
In Deadly Sky, master historian John C. McManus goes beyond the familiar tales of aerial heroism, capturing the sights and sounds, the toil and fear, the adrenaline and the pain of the American airmen who faced death with every mission. In this important, thoroughly-researched work, McManus uncovers the true nature of fighting—and dying—in the skies over World War II. Amazon
The Luzon Campaign 1945
- MacArthur Returns
By Nathan Prefer
A full account of the Luzon campaign from the planning stages to the final surrender of the Japanese general, Yamashita. In 1945, during the Luzon campaign of World War II, U.S. General Douglas MacArthur returned to the Philippines, fulfilling his promise to return to the area he was forced to flee in 194223. The campaign lasted from January 1945 to September 1945 and only ended with the surrender of Imperial Japan. Amazon

Combat Veteran's - Stories of the Korean War - Vol ! & Vol II
By Norman Black
VOLUME I - 16 autobiographies and photos of men that fought in the Korean War. Their stories give readers an understanding of what draftees, volunteers, and professional military men experienced in that war. They often tell information not available in U.S. military reports and government-authorized histories and sometimes counter it. Amazon
VOLUME II - More Korean War Combat Veterans Stories. Vol II contains 19 autobiographies with photos, along with information about Chinese and North Korean war prisoners conditions told by a U.S. Army doctor that spent three years as a war prisoner himself. Amazon

Sea of Thunder: Four Commanders and the Last Great Naval Campaign 1941-1945
By Evan Thomas
A suspenseful account of the Battle of Leyte Gulf in October 1944 is told through the commands of four naval leaders, including two American commanders and two Japanese admirals, and offers insight into how the war reflected profound cultural differences. 100,000 first printing. Amazon

THE SPIRIT OF ATTACK - Fighter Pilot Stories
By Bruce Gordon, USAF (retired)
Bruce Gordon flew fighters for the USAF for almost 20 years - the F-86, F-100, F-102 and F-106, plus test flights in the back seat of an F-4.The "Spirit of Attack" has over 40 stories and 90 photos, many that he took personally from his fighter in Alaska, Korea, and Vietnam. He includes three stories by his fighter pilot friends. As Editor of a veterans' newsletter, he picked up details of the WW II P-38 raid on Ploesti, Romania, and inserts the story of a Romanian pilot who flew against us. These are active flying and combat stories with photos on almost every page to illustrate the aircraft or event involved. See Page 50, "Something Big", for a cold-war face-off with the Russians in what has been called "The Madman Nuclear Alert" of 1969. Amazon

The Terrible Hours - The Greatest Submarine Rescue in History
By Peter Maas
On the eve of World War II, America's newest submarine plunged helplessly to the North Atlantic bottom during a test dive. Miraculously, thirty-three crew members still survived. While their wives and girlfriends waited in nearly unbearable tension on shore, their ultimate fate would depend on one man.
In this thrilling true narrative of terror, heroism and courage in the depths of a malevolent ocean, prizewinning author Peter Maas brings us in vivid detail a blow-by-blow account of the disaster and its uncertain outcome. The sub was the Squalus. The man was a U.S. Navy officer, Charles "Swede" Momsen, an extraordinary combination of visionary, scientist and man of action. Until his advent, it was accepted that if a submarine went down, her crew was doomed.
The legacy of his death-defying probes into our inner space remains with us today, and in this depiction of the perseverance and triumph of the human spirit, Swede Momsen is given his rightful place in the pantheon of true American heroes. Amazon

By Otis Ted Holly
This is a sea story about a U.S. Navy destroyer and her crew. The author, Otis "Ted" Holly served on the USS Brush (DD-745) for 3 yrs 2mos in the early 1950's. Life on the USS Brush involved a lot of sea duty, spending most of her time at sea..... Available thru Trafford Publishing on Amazon
NOTE: On the book's cover, is RWP #N7130, courtesy of the N.A.R.A., the USS Lyman K. Swenson (DD-729) as it noses under a heavy seas while operating in Japanese waters with the US Pacific fleet.