Veteran & Military Authors
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Free book listings for veteran authors and historical military books about veterans. Call 734-327-9696 to post.

In the Shadow of the Ayatollah: A CIA Hostge in Iran
By William J. Daugherty
Still vivid in many Americans' memories are the 444 days of 1979 when Islamic militants held U.S. diplomatic personnel hostage in Iran. Though their story has been told before, never has it been related from such a perspective. Unique among the hostages, the author was an officer for the Central Intelligence Agency serving at the U.S. embassy in Tehran. Once his CIA connection was discovered, Bill Daugherty became a special target of his captors and was subjected to extraordinarily harsh treatment. He managed to survive the ordeal by relying upon his Marine Corps training and combat experience and his remarkable inner reserve of fortitude. Ultimately he was awarded the State Department Medal of Valor and the CIA Exceptional Service Medal. Thank you for your service, Bill and your patience as we worked to post your books...a grateful staff at RWP.
William J. Daugherty was a Marine Corps aviator, member of the CIA, professor, author and even a hostage. The foreword by Congressman Jack Kingston, states in part, " will gain firsthand knowledge from a selfless patroit who experienced the worst period of his life on behalf of the United States of America." Amazon

Brothers In Battle - Best of Friends
By William Garnere and Edward Heffron with Robin Post
Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends: Two WWII Paratroopers from the Original Band of Brothers Tell Their Story. National Best Seller with foreword by Tom Hanks. To read more or purchase go to: Amazon
ORDINARY HEROS by Scott Turow and read by Edward Herrmann - WWII fiction. The story traces the son's journey into uncovering his father's role as a soldier in WWII in the European Theatre from writings discovered after his father's death.
MATTERHORN by Karl Marlantes A Novel of the Vietnam War - fiction written by a decorated Marine and Vietnam vet and audiobook read by Bronson Pinchot. Set in Vietnam 1969, drawn from the authors experiences and praised by reviews as a 'great' work.
THE LAST STAND OF FOX CO by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin -nonfictional Korean War account of 246 U.S. Marines and Naval Corpsmen (medics) who fought and died for seven days on a God-forsaken frozen and icy hilltop in North Korea in November & December, 1950.
The Conquering 9th: The Nineth U.S. Army in World War II
By Nathan Prefer
A comprehensive history of the U.S. Ninth Army, from its formation and organization, through its constituent units and commanders to narrative of the key battles it took part in August 1944–May 1945.
The Ninth Army came into existence in May 1944, under the command of General William Hood Simpson, himself a rather unknown but highly successful ground commander. By late August, the Ninth Army was ready to join the crusade in Europe. Known by its radio call sign "Conquer," they landed at Utah Beach, France, on August 28 and 29. They were now at war and ready for their first assignment. It entered the fray in Brittany, taking over from the Third Army. The biggest port in Brittany was Brest, and operations to capture it began mid-August, with the Ninth Army completing what General Patton had begun by late September.
This new history of the Ninth places the contribution of this unsung army into a full history of the war in Europe in 1944–45. It covers all levels of the army’s activities from the responsibilities and duties of the higher echelon, the commanders through to combat stories of the units under its command and Medal of Honor actions. Amazon

Patton's Ghost Corps: Cracking the Siegfried Line
By Nathan Prefer
One of the little-known battles of World War II was General George S. Patton's attack on the German Siegfried Line in January and February of 1945. Because it occurred at the time of the massive effort by the American and British forces to destroy the last major German counteroffensive in what has come to be known as the Battle of the Bulge, this campaign is all but forgotten except by those who were there. Fought in subzero temperatures and often in blinding snowstorms, the campaign was daunting and the courage displayed by the soldiers certainly equaled that of their comrades in the Bulge. Prefer uses numerous interviews, official histories, and after-action reports to bring alive the numerous firefights and bloody assaults that marked the campaign, while detailed maps make it easy for readers to follow the ebb and flow of the action. This book will appeal most to history buffs and it will fill a gap in World War II collections. To read more about this book or purchase go to: Amazon

The Fightin' Texas Aggie Defenders of Bataan & Corregidor
By John A. Adams Jr.
By any measure, the battles of Bataan and Corregidor were among the most intensely fought and devastating episodes in the World War II Pacific theater. Beginning in early 1942, the Japanese Imperial Army invaded the Philippines in an attempt to control the Pacific region and expand its sphere of influence. The defense and last stand of Filipino and American allied forces marked the largest surrender in their respective military histories. Their efforts slowed the Japanese advance but only at great cost.
To view and/or purchase, go to Amazon

Tin Can Sailor: Life Aboard the USS Sterett, 1939-1945
By C. Raymond Calhoun
Another 5-star read and definitely not to be missed! More than a story of the events aboard ship, but filled with gripping tales of history. Whether you served aboard a ship, knew someone who did, or just love history, you should purchase this book for yourself or as a great gift. Available through Amazon

EASY COMPANY SOLDIER The Lengendary Battles of a Sergeant from WWII's "Band of Brothers.
By Sgt Don Malarkey with Bob Welch
Elite paratrooper Sgt. Don Malarkey takes us not only into the World War II battles fought from Normandy to Germany, but into the heart and mind of a soldier who lost his best friend during the nightmarish engagement at Bastogne.
To view and/or purchase, go to Amazon

A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Oottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East
By David Fromkiin
In A Peace to End All Peace, David Fromkin reveals how and why the Allies came to remake the geography and politics of the Middle East, drawing lines on an empty map that eventually became the new countries of Iraq, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. Focusing on the formative years of 1914 to 1922, when all-even an alliance between Arab nationalism and Zionism-seemed possible he raises questions about what might have been done differently, and answers questions about why things were done as they were. The current battle for a Palestinian homeland has its roots in these events of 85 years ago. Availble from Amazon

All the Gallant Men: An American Sailor's Firsthand Account of Pearl Harbor
By Donald Stratton
THE FIRST MEMOIR BY A USS ARIZONA SURVIVOR: Donald Stratton, one of the battleship's five living heroes, delivers an epic, powerful and intimate eyewitness account of Pearl Harbor and his unforgettable return to the fight.
At 8:06 a.m. on December 7, 1941, Seaman First Class Donald Stratton was consumed by an inferno. A million pounds of explosives had detonated beneath his battle station aboard the USS Arizona, barely fifteen minutes into Japan’s surprise attack on American forces at Pearl Harbor.
Near death and burned across two thirds of his body, Don, a nineteen-year-old Nebraskan who had been steeled by the Great Depression and Dust Bowl, summoned the will to haul himself hand over hand across a rope tethered to a neighboring vessel. Forty-five feet below, the harbor’s flaming, oil-slick water boiled with enemy bullets; all around him the world tore itself apart.
To view or purchase Don's books and/or purchase, go to: Amazon
United States Naval Aviation, 1911–2014 (Images of War)
By Michael Green
From humble beginnings in 1911 with floatplanes, by the 1930s, the US Navy possessed dirigibles and were introducing fighter planes. By the start of WW2, monoplane fighters were replacing bi-planes and a major aircraft carrier build was underway.Fighters such as the Grumman FLF Hellcat and Vought F4U Corsair were joined by carrier attack aircraft such as the Dauntless, Devastator and Helldriver. As well as carrier-borne aircraft, others operated from shorebases using both wheels and floats.Post WW2, jet aircraft took over from prop driven, and famous early examples were the Shooting Star and McDonnell Phantom, which saw action in Korea. By Vietnam the F4 Phantom II, Skyhawk and Intruder were in service. As well as these fighter attack aircraft were the Lockheed Viking, anti-sub and nuclear capable Douglas Skywarrior. Amazon
Chasing the Demon A Secret History of the Quest for the Sound Barrier, and the Band of American Aces Who Conquered It
By Dan Hampton
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • At the end of World War II, a band of aces gathered in the Mojave Desert on a Top Secret quest to break the sound barrier–nicknamed "The Demon" by pilots. The true story of what happened in those skies has never been told.
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Night Witches: The Amazing Story of Russia's Women Pilots in World War II
By Bruce Myles
In 1941, as Nazi hordes swept east into the Soviet Union, a desperate call went out for women to join the Russian air force. The result—three entire regiments of women pilots and bombers—was a phenomenon unmatched in World II. Through interviews with these courageous pilots, the author uncovers their story. Soon to be a major motion picture.
To view and/or purchase, go to Amazon

To D-Day and Back: Adventures with the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment and Life as a World War II POW
By Bob Bearden
In the predawn hours of D-Day, June 6, 1944, which would become immortalized as the Longest Day, Bob Bearden and his comrades in the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment jumped into the inky skies over Normandy.
Their mission: defend the west bank of the Merderet River against German counterattack.
After long months of training they were finally taking the war to the Germans.
Beardens time in combat proved shortlived, as he was captured on D-Day plus 2, June 08, 1944.
This was only the beginning of a new war for his very survival through multiple German POW camps and ultimately on an epic journey that would take him largely on foot all the way to Moscow on his journey home, all of which makes for exciting reading in this remarkable memoir.
To view & purchase Bob's book, go to Amazon